
This is the Camp Jefferson Base Comms Intake Form. This should be used to brief Camp Jefferson on email/ MMS campaigns that you want to send to the Koodo or Public base. Please complete the form below and someone from the Camp Jefferson Account team will reach out to you. The steps have been outlined below to ensure the process is clear, however if you have any questions please reach out to Lora and Matt directly.


There are 4 types of projects. Please see the breakdown of what constitutes New, Refresh, Revise, or MMS, and the timing required to execute each project from briefing to file delivery below:

Please budget for 5 days from when Camp Jefferson delivers final files for the internal development of your emails/ MMS before they can be deployed to customers.

New New template & module with new strategy, new copy, new design, and two rounds of creative revisions. 5 weeks
Refresh Using an existing template & module by rewriting body copy, subject line, headline, new colours & image, and two rounds of creative revisions. Strategy check in to ensure creative still delivers on original strategy. 3 weeks
Revise Using an existing template & module. Copy changes only. Tweaking body copy (1-2 lines) OR headline, subhead and subject line. No strategy or layout updates. 1.5 weeks
MMS New or updated copy and/or imagery and colours, 1 round of creative revisions, no strategy updates. Allow 2 - 4 additional business days if OEM review is needed. 11 business days


Fill out the project intake form, which is automatically directed to Lora and Matt.

  • Refresh/ Revise Projects - for these classifications of projects, the Koodo/TELUS/Public (K/T/P) project prime needs to include the following when submitting the intake form:
    • Previous template/ module marked up with changes (on the final PDF, creative deck or copy deck)
    • Past creative reference
    • Additional items that are helpful to provide:
      • Image inspiration
      • Bad ad


CJ will assign a prime from the account who will reach out with any questions and a proposed project timeline.

  • New Projects
    • The Camp Jefferson prime will reach out to schedule a call for the K/T/P project prime to walk through all context and background for the project, based on the information provided in the intake form.
    • From there, Camp Jefferson will decide if it is necessary to escalate to the strategy department to write a creative brief or not.
    • If the project requires a creative brief, the strategy prime will have the K/T/P project prime’s alignment before briefing in a creative team.
  • Refresh/ Revise Projects
    • Camp Jefferson will decide whether or not a kick-off call and creative brief is needed or not based on the complexity of the ask but, based on historical precedence, most cases will be fine to have marked up examples and bad ads to reference.


Camp Jefferson will share the creative back to the K/T/P project prime who will need to collect consolidated feedback from all internal stakeholders.

*Note: When building the project timeline, Camp Jefferson will ensure that the creative share will be delivered 24H before Thursday afternoon (before the Koodo Base Management creative review meetings) to ensure primes have enough time to circulate and gather feedback.

  • Once the K/T/P project prime has the creative, they will need to attend a KBM Creative Review Meeting. Here are the details of those meetings:

KBM Creative Review meetings

When are they? Every Thursday (4:30pm – 5:00pm). We won’t need every meeting, and will cancel when there are no agenda items.

How do I sign up? Sign up at this link here. Once you sign up, KBM will forward you a calendar invite for that day and time.

What do I need to do?
  1. At least 24 hours before, you must email the creative piece that will be reviewed to everyone on the calendar invite as a pre-read.
  2. Then, come to the meeting during your scheduled time and present the creative to solicit feedback
    • Note – if you’re not presenting finalized creative, please make sure you include your feedback on the document that you email beforehand, and come to the meeting prepared to discuss it.


After the KBM creative review share, K/T/P project primes must provide the Camp Jefferson prime fully consolidated feedback from all stakeholders in one email, with notes and marked up PDF.

Note: If feedback to Camp Jefferson exceeds 2 rounds after the initial creative presentation, this will impact costs and timing, meaning deployment may be delayed. The following is considered one round of feedback:

  1. Camp Jefferson shares creative to K/T/P project prime
  2. K/T/P project prime shares consolidated feedback to Camp Jefferson
  3. Camp Jefferson shares a revised version of the creative based on feedback


Once the creative is finalized and signed off by all stakeholders, the K/T/P project prime is ready to engage Gonzalo Llanos who is Koodo’s email developer. Give him the heads up that you will be sharing working files from Camp Jefferson, including .psds and a copydeck, via email. Once Camp Jefferson shares over the final file package, please share them to Gonzalo directly.

Should you have any questions about the above and/or are unclear as to how to fill in this form, please email Lora and Matt directly and they will guide you through your next steps.


Note: CJ Account team to provide full WBS upon review of intake form or following the briefing meeting.

New: New template. Projects that require net-new thinking, design and messaging. Select this type if you are not updating an existing email / MMS. Deliverables include new strategy, design, template and copy, delivered through two (2) rounds of creative revisions. New projects identified here will be followed up with a kick-off briefing going into more detail than what is included in the intake form. These will be coordinated on a case-by-case basis.

Timing: 5 weeks

Other (please specify)
How many different types of creative variations are needed in each language?
Note: this typically includes different versions of copy, colours or image selections. Languages do not drive version number.
In a few phrases, what needs to be done and why? What context would be helpful to know when developing the required messaging for consumers?
What is the most important thing we need to communicate with this asset? Why is the consumer getting this communication from us?
ex. Exclusive offers, service updates, promoting OEM devices, etc.
What action do we want consumers to take with our primary message, and where will the CTA drive?
ex. Shop plans
If needed, this should help reinforce the primary message/offer.
ex. RTBs, discounts when adding a line/roaming, plan add-ons, etc.
If there are supporting messages, what are each asking consumers to do, and where will they drive?
ex. Learn more
Are there any pre-existing learnings from previous projects that are relevant to this project?
i.e. Partner review timelines, legal restrictions, etc.
Are there any other pieces of information or reference information that are critical to the project that haven’t yet been shared in this document?
Please upload any files relevant to this project here. You may select multiple files to upload by holding the CTRL (Mac:COMMAND) key while selecting files from your computer. Maximum upload file size is 5MB.